(Analisis Framing Pada Republika.co.id periode 28 Agustus – 30 Agustus 2017)
Framing Analysis , Construction Reporting, Republika.co.idAbstract
This study aims to find out how the construction of news about tracing the flow of First Travel pilgrims funds in Republika.co.id. on August 28 to August 30, 2017. This research uses a qualitative research approach, descriptive research method using framing analysis method Robert N. Entman. The study was conducted by observing the news text using two major dimensions of framing analysis, this is the selection of issues of protruding aspects and by using four framing analysis structures, this is Define Problems, Diagnose Prospects, Make Moral Judgment, and Treatment Recommendations. The object of this research is news coverage of First Travel pilgrims fund flow in Republika.co.id. The data used in this study using primary data reporting from the online media Republika.co.id with reinforced by secondary data such as literature studies, journals, articles or collection of documentation materials, and comment the newsreader. The results of this study show that Republika.co.id in reporting the news flow of First Travel pilgrims funds using the selection of issues in the form of legal issues and protrusion aspects of words and sentences related to the selection of legal issues as well as protrusion aspects of images or images that are often used in the news flow search and First Travel congregation. Emphasis provided by Republika.co.id in this case that Republika.co.id want to construct audiences that read it that the owner of First Travel has been very convincing and innocent has committed acts of embezzlement and fraud funds jamaah umroh First Travel.