(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif di PT PLN (Persero) Kantor Pusat)
Internal Magazine Fokus, Need, InformationAbstract
Internal media in company is one of communication form activities between companies and their employees. As a company that has a wide scope of work, PT PLN (Persero) has an internal media that is Focus magazine. This study aims to determine the function of internal magazine Focus in fulfilling the information needs of employees of PT PLN (Pesero) Head Office. Using a qualitative approach, descriptive method, and James E. Grunig's two way symmetrical theory, the results of the research show that the internal magazine Focus function in meeting the information needs of employees is good enough. This can be seen from various information on infographic rubric, teroka, performance, national, commitment, archipelago, commitment, archipelago, PLN care, horizon, innovation, variety, labora, and lens. The use of internal magazines Focus can support mutually beneficial communication between management and employees and vice versa. This is manifested in the presence of elements in James E. Grunig's two way symmetrical theory of speaking and listening, and honest information to the public.