KONSTRUKSI BERITA PENGGEREBEKAN PINJAMAN ONLINE ILEGAL (Analisis Framing Robert M. Entman pada Media Detik.com Edisi 15 Oktober 2021)

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Afiat Nafasa Dwinanto Indah Suryawati


This study aims to determine the application of Robert M. Entman's Framing theory in the 15 October 2021 edition of Detik.com media in constructing the news on illegal online loan raids at that time. The object of this research is online loan raids. This research uses constructivism paradigm and qualitative approach. This study applies Robert M. Entman's Framing analysis which has four structural elements, namely define problems, diagnose causes, make moral judgments, treatment recommendations on how to frame online media. The researcher also uses a framing device by Robert M. Entman so that it can describe the perspective or perspective used by journalists when selecting issues and writing news. The results of the study show that the news of online loan raids is a social issue with President Jokowi directing the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to conduct raids due to illegal online loans that collect debts by leaking personal data and terror as the cause of the problem, and make moral decisions by doing eradication efforts through special handling methods. As well as solving problems, it can be seen that President Jokowi also directed the Minister of Communication and Information to delete online loan data that is not included in the list of the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

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