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Muhammad Rizal Al Amin Doddy Wihardi


This study is to determine the role of Public Relations Department of Population and Civil Registration Tangerang City in the Implementation of Excellent Service. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the role of public relations at the Tangerang City Population and Civil Registration Office in the Implementation of Excellent Service. Researchers use the concept of Excellent Service A6 Barata (2003:31). The research method used is descriptive qualitative method and uses post-positivism paradigm. The results of this study were data obtained by researchers using interviews with Key Informants and Informants. The data discussed in this study are data from interviews to complement and explain the data obtained from in-depth interviews conducted by researchers. The conclusion in this study is that the role of Public Relations of the Tangerang City Population and Civil Registration Service in the Implementation of Excellent Service by using the concept of the role of public relations related to the concept of A6 excellent service, namely, by acting as a communicator to convey service information by linking the concept of excellent service A6 Attitude with being friendly, friendly in conveying information to the public, then Relationship by establishing good relationships with internal and external parties by linking the concept of excellent service A6 Attention, Action and Ability by paying attention to the community, acting in providing services according to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and has the ability to cooperate with other agencies, in Backup Management Public Relations Disdukcapil acts as a representative of the Tangerang City Disdukcapil Office relating to the concept of excellent service A6 Accountability with full r responsibility, and Good Image Maker Disdukcapil Tangerang City held Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities for the community through the "Tangerang Bersedekah" activity by linking the concept of A6 Appearance to create a positive image of the Tangerang City Disdukcapil Office.

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