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Anisa Adelia Putri Riyodina Ganefsri Pratikto


In the current digital era, people generally use social media in their daily lives, as well as the South Tangerang Police, who use social media to disseminate information. The purpose of the research was to find out how the South Tangerang Police Public Relations Strategy was in Publicizing Activities through Instagram Social Media. Problem Formulation is how the South Tangerang Police Public Relations Strategy in Publicizing Activities Through Instagram Social Media. The theory used is the New Media Theory developed by Pierre Levy with 8 approach concepts. The subject of this research is South Tangerang Police Practitioner Strategy, the subject consists of Key Informants and Informants. The object of this research is the South Tangerang Police Public Relations Strategy in Publicizing Activities Through Instagram Social Media. The paradigm used is post-positivism. The data collection methods used are in- depth interviews, and non-participant observations, as well as literature studies obtained from sources such as books, websites, documents and others. The results of the research showed that the Public Relations of the South Tangerang Police, has not done yet the 8 concepts of the overall Publication Strategy approach. What has been done is to identify problems, understanding the main of the problems that exist in the team of Public Relations of South Tangerang Police in the publication process, identifying goals, how the membership of the Public Relations South Tangerang Police understand the purpose of making social media, identifying the public how the membership of the Public Relations Team South Tangerang Police, to find out who their target audience is, to develop strategy that is to find out which strategies are using and preparing all kinds of prospects that can be done for the advancement of social media, implementation planning by preparing everything that will be needed for the documentation process or by content calendar that has been prepared, evaluates the success of publication by conducting regular analysis and evaluation. There are two things that the South Tangerang Police has not done yet, which is the preparation of time and funds. It has made the publication process was less effective.

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