FRAMING PEMBERITAAN DESAIN ISTANA NEGARA IBU KOTA BARU (Analisis Framing Robert M. Entman Pada Media Periode 31 Maret - 4 April 2021)

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Ferry Candra Dudi Iskandar


This research aims to find out how online media framing related to news Framing The New Capital City Palace Design News reaps the Pros and Cons in social media and among the 5 Professional Architects Association. From there 5 Professional Architects Association asked the capacity of I Nyoman Nuarta who is not an architect but a sculptor. This research aims to find out the framing of online media about framing the Design News of the New Capital City's State Palace period of March 31 to April 4, 2022. Use constructivism paradigms and qualitative approaches. The study used Robert M. Entman's analysis of four elements: Define Problems, Diagnose Cause, Make Moral Judgement, Treatment Recommendation how framing is done by online media. Researchers used a framing device by Robert M. Entman so that it can describe how is journalist perspective used when selecting issues and writing news. The results of the study it is known that trying to display the facts related to the Design of the New Capital State Palace was designed by a sculptor not a professional architect so it makes clashes with existing laws. The figure of I Nyoman Nuarta is highlighted in the news of the Design of the New Capital State Palace on online media From the three stories that was analyzed, tried to repeat the content, text of news to suits point of view.

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