Representasi Konflik Komunikasi Antar Budaya Pada Film Crazy Rich Asians (Analisa Semiotika Roland Barthes)

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Sarahwinanti Pratiwi Rachmani Arbi Cristional Lokananta


This research was conducted because the film Crazy Rich Asians itself is considered to represent Asian culture regarding marriage, education, and the absorption of popular culture from the West. The character himself is also a Malaysian or Singaporean, a character that was quite rare in his time in Hollywood films. This study aims to determine the representation of intercultural communication conflicts in the Crazy Rich Asians film. In this research, the researcher uses the constructivism paradigm, qualitative approach, with Roland Barthes semiotic method, in order to analyze the cultural conflicts that occur. Researchers look for markers, markers, and denotative signs which then use them to look for markers, signifiers, and connotative signs. This makes it easier for researchers to achieve research objectives. The results showed that there was a representation of intercultural communication conflict, which was shown in the scene where Eleanor booked a hotel to the scene where Rachel played mahjong with Eleanor. Crazy Rich Asians is a film that shows cultural conflicts between characters. This can be seen from how Eleanor got racist behaviour from Ormsby when she was about to stay at the Calthorpe hotel, unfortunately, this incident continued when Nick introduced Rachel. Eleanor who generalizes Rachel as a 'western' person often shuts herself off, even demeaning Rachel who is deemed unfit to join the Young family because of her background.

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