AKSI UNJUK RASA TOLAK UNDANG-UNDANG CIPTA KERJA DALAM PEMBERITAAN MEDIA ONLINE (Analisis Framing Robert M. Entman di Medcom.id dan Cnnindonesia.com Edisi 8–20 Oktober 2020)

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Leni Aprilia Dudi Iskandar


The study was based on protests from a number of communities, especially workers and workers, demanding that the Copyright Work law be scrapped because it contains rules that harm workers and workers. This study aims to find out the framing used bt online media Medcom.id and Cnnindonesia.com about the news of protests against copyright laws on online media Medcom.id and Cnnindonesia.com the period of Oktober 8 to Oktober 20, 2020. Using the paradigm of constructivism and qualititative approach. The method performed by the researchers is framing analysis of Robert M. Entman’s model that dissects cases in 2 large dimensions, namely : issue selection and aspect protrusion, and using four framing elements in analyzing a news story. Define Problems Medcom.id that demos take place not peacefully, while Cnnindonesia.com demos take place peacefully. Both Medcom.id warning from officers to the protesters while the government’s Cnnindonesia.com said the demonstrations had been ridden. The third Make Morak Judgement Medcom.id that officers ty to disperse protesters, while Cnnindonesia.com must involve the public in making decisions and listening to the aspirations of workers. The four Treatment Recomendation Medcom.id ended in clashes between officers and the mob, while Cnnindonesia.com the absence of clashes. From the results of the study both media Medcom.id and Cnnidonesia.com shows how the media paraphrases a news in each element of the news. The media has the power to determine the point of view of all policies carried out by the government, in the sense that the media is paraphrasing in different ways and ideas. Through this research, it is expected that the media will be able to help the government as a conveyer of information to the public.

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