PENGARUH KONTEN TELEMEDICINE “CHECK COVID-19” TERHADAP BRAND IMAGE GOJEK (Survei Pada Warga Di Kecamatan Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan)

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Rini Aulia Rahim


Research by Rini Aulia Rahim, Budi Luhur University in 2020. The problem of this research is that whatever the Influence of Telemedicine Content "Checking for COVID-19" on the Gojek Brand Image with Citizen Survey Media of Pesanggragan District, South Jakarta, the purpose of this research is to find out whether there is an effect of Telemedicine Content "Checking for COVID-19" on the image. Gojek Brand with Citizen Survey Media of Pesanggragan District, South Jakarta and How Much Influence is the Telemedicine Content “Checking for COVID-19” on the Gojek Brand Image with Citizen Survey Media in Pesanggragan District, South Jakarta. The research theory used is the factor theory to help build a brand image from Keller (2013). This study uses a quantitative approach. Researchers collected data through a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The results of this study indicate the results of Strength of Brand Associations get a mean value of 3.89 which means forming a positive variable value. The results of testing the simple linear regression hypothesis show that the Gojek brand image is influenced by the Telemedicine Check Covid- 19 by 73.3%. The Chi-Square hypothesis test shows 0.000b <0.05, which means that there is a linear relationship between Telemedicine Check Covid-19 and Image Gojek. Overall, Variable X has a significant effect on variable Y.


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