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Anika Yuliani Putri Liza Dwi Ratna Dewi


The purpose of this research is to find out how "Let’s 5hine with Novotel Tangerang" program can improve the Novotel Tangerang Hotel's reputation. The theory used in this research is Legitimacy Theory and Tripple Bottom Line Concept, where companies carry out CSR activities in accordance with aspects and norms that apply to the interests of the surrounding community. Company is not only focused on profit obtained but also needs to emphasize other aspects such as preserving the environment, and human well-being. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive with the subject of research is Public relations also the object of research is the Novotel Tangerang Strategy conducted by Public Relations in improving the company's reputation through CSR program. The research paradigm used is Post Positivism, research data obtained through primary data sources, namely in-depth interviews with key informants and informants, non-participant observation and through secondary data with sources from books and literature study and documentation. Then the validity of the data used in this study is source triangulation. The results obtained by researchers show that the Novotel Tangerang Hotel's public relations strategy in an effort to improve the company's reputation through CSR programs can be implemented well. Efforts made to prosper the surrounding community can be used to build a positive perspective on the company. The theoretical advice that researchers can give is that this research is expected to be used as a reference and provide new knowledge related to the concept of Tripple Bottom Line and Legitimacy Theory in applying it to the strategy carried out by a public relations through CSR programs. Meanwhile, the practical suggestion is that Hotel Novotel Tangerang is needs to utilize the existence of Public Relations to create a sustainable CSR program so that it can distribute all information in order to obtain the company's goal of maintaining a reputation.


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