Pengaruh Komunikasi Persuasif Kualitas Pelayanan Contac Center Terhadap Tingkat Kepuasaan Pelanggan
(Survei Pada Pelanggan Perumdam Tirta Kerta Raharja Kabupaten Tangerang)
Service Quality, Contac Center Quality, Customer SatisfactionAbstract
The title of this research is the Influence of Contac Center Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction Level (Survey on Customers of Perumdam Tirta Kerta Raharja Tangerang Regency) ". The formulation of the problem in this study is is there an influence of the quality of the Contac Center service on the level of customer satisfaction. where the company's image defends its reputation to gain support for the community and attract the attention of potential customers. In this case, public relations plays a role in maintaining the company's brand image, which if the brand image itself is down or incompetent can influence customers when choosing a brand. If there is an opinion given by a customer through a social media account, where that opinion can be seen by other customers, it will take a risk by influencing the opinion of other customers as well.