Pengaruh Media Sosial Instagram Ntmc Polri Terhadap Pemenuhan Informasi Lalu Lintas Bagi Pengguna Instagram
(SURVEY: Followers Instagram @Ntmc_Polri)
Instagram, Information Fulfillment, Instagram account @ntmc_polriAbstract
@Ntmc_polri is an Instagram account based on information content about traffic, sim services, National Police Korlantas Holidays, Polri Korlantas Activities and others. This account makes it easy for the public to find information about mobile sim services, international sim making and others related to the Traffic Police. The author is interested in knowing the effect of using the @Ntmc_polri Instagram account on fulfilling followers' information needs. This study aims to determine how much influence Instagram NTMC POLRI (X) with the components of Instagram's success on Information Fulfillment for Instagram users (Y) measures it with Uses and Grativication theory, so that there is a research hypothesis using a quantitative approach, positivism paradigm, survey method. explanarif with the aim to find out whether there is a relationship between the two variables with a total of 48 respondents. The statistical tests used are correlation, linear regression, coefficient of determination and using hypothesis testing, namely the ANOVA test processed using SPSS 23. The study used a regression test in order to answer existing hypotheses. From the results of the regression test, it has a value of 0.774 indicating a strong relationship between variable X and variable Y because it is between the numbers 0.60 - 0.79 In addition, the value of r square or the coefficient of determination of 0.591 or 59.1% can be concluded Instagram social media on the fulfillment of information for Instagram users, a survey on Instagram followers @ntmc_polri was 59.1%. The results of the multiple linear regression show that the significance is 0.000 <0.05, which means that the National Police's Instagram media has an effect on the Fulfillment of Information for Instagram Users.