PROSES GATEKEEPING DALAM PRODUKSI ISI WEBSITE KOSTRAD.MIL.ID (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Pada Bagian Media Online dan Media Sosial Penerangan Kostrad)
gatekeeping, production, website,
This study aims to determine how gatekeeping process in the production of website content of The question posed is how gatekeeping process done by Penerangan Kostrad in producing website content of This research method is using qualitative descriptive method. Research subject in Penerangan Kostrad is head of Penerangan Kostrad, head of online media affairs and social media, reporter and editor. The collection of primary data obtained using indepth interviews, direct observation, non-participant observation and physical devices. Secondary data was obtained through library research and online media. The result showed that the steps taken in the process of gatekeeping on the production website content of are news is gathered by the gatekeepers through two processes, the first, news comes from the Kostrad unit-unit rankings scattered throughout the teritority of Indonesia by the email. The second, news was obtained from the live coverage conducted by the team at the site. The articles to be uploaded must meet some criteria such as interesting, contains activities units of Kostrad and humanist which meet the elements of informative, educational and actual. News that is ready to published will be grouped first into the categories of categories contained in the website menu namely home, rofile, unit lines, publications, online media and persit in order to facilitate the search for website visitors.