Instagram Simpatisan United Jakarta Sebagai Media Komunitas
Jakarta Simptisan United Instagram Account, Information, CommunityAbstract
The purpose of this study is to find out how Instagram @SU_Jakarta social media is used as a media for community activity information to @SU_Jakarta followers. The problem of this research is how Instagram Simpatisan United Jakarta as a media to community. The approach of this research is using descriptive qualitative. The research subjects of this study are using 2 subjects, The manager of @SU_Jakarta Instagram account as key informant and management of the Simpatisan United Jakarta community and the Instagram account followers of @SU_Jakarta and others supporting informants. The object of this research is the presentation of information on community activities through @SU_Jakarta Instagram social media. The results show that from the key-informants and other informants who had been interviewed, they said that currently, Instagram social media is the right media to provide information about community activities, Instagram also has benefits for the community. Because their Instagram social media got a benefit in the form of new information published by the @SU_Jakarta account manager. A statement from them concern that the media influences every action of the community. From the statements, they feel related to their friends or even with new people who were initially unknown even though said that the media binds the world together.