The kite village,portrait documentary, DirectorAbstract
Cipacing Village is a village in the Jatinangor District Area. The location is in the northwestern part of the Jatinangor District Area and directly adjacent to the Bandung Regency area in the village of Cileunyi Wetan. The area is passed by the national road that connects the city of Bandung with the Garut or Tasik malaya regions. In the current era of globalization, which is marked by the rapid development of science and technology, competition in various fields can affect the existence of a company, so that it encourages every company to think of the steps that must be taken to maintain its existence. At the moment the kite craftsmen and entrepreneurs in Cipacing Village have decreased, various aspects which have influenced the decline in the number of craftsmen, such as youth in Cipacing Village are no longer interested in becoming craftsmen, also the difficulty of raw materials and the waning of children's interest in traditional games. Children are now more interested in modern games such as online games, Playstation, and gadgets. In making this work the creator will take on the role of director through this director's role, the creator of the work will be able to visualize the story, then develop it as a production. The purpose of making this documentary work is, the creator wants to provide information to the audience able to provide an understanding for the audience to be more concerned with traditional games and still preserve them. The creator as director packaged this documentary by directing technique. By technique, the storytellers in this documentary are statements from the speakers. And in the end, this documentary work is expected to be able to be an inspiration for people who have similar problems in other areas.