Perancangan Motion Graphic Pengenalan Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual Universitas Budi Luhur Melalui Animasi 2D


  • Muhammad Gani Pasha
  • Arief Ruslan


Video, Motion Graphic, Electronic Media, Design Communication Visual


The design of this work aims to provide information about new concentrations in the Design Communication Visual study program at UniversityBudi Luhur. The formulation of the idea of the creation of this work is the creator driven to create motion graphics. The media used in this motion graphic is electronic media that is very easy to access and has become something that is very much needed. The method of creating this work is done by studying literature starting from books, the internet, and field studies namely observation, interviews with Design Communication Visual lecturers at University Budi Luhur. The work created by the creator will be in the form of videos, in which anything is obtained in concentrations, examples of communities, excellent subjects, and what can be done after graduation. The conclusion of this work is that this video contains information about the design of visual communication and its concentration, so it is useful to understand before deciding to join in with images, sound and writing. Knowledge can also be obtained through the media






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