Pengaruh Konten Channel Youtube Ericko Lim Terhadap Perilaku Imitatif Remaja
The research aims to know the influence of Ericko Lim Youtube Channel Content on teenager behavior in the Larangan District. (Survey of Teenager in The Larangan District). The outline of the research Problems are ther and how much influence Ericko Lim Youtube Channel Content on teenager behavior in the Larangan District. This research method using the methods of the quantitative study. Population and sample becomes 99 respondents. The collections of data used in this research by way of disseminating a questionnaire to 99 respondents. Statistical test using SPSS Versi 22. Conclusion the result of the test R tabel is 0,1663 can be concluded that there is a influence of ericko lim youtube channel content (variabel X) on teenager behavior (variabel Y) of 72,2% and 29,8% the rest is another variable not examined in this study. After research proved that ericko lim channel youtube content has a value of significance means there are very strong 0,838 influence between the two variables. It can be concluded that H0 is rejected, and H1 is accepted where there is influence beteween ericko lim youtube channel content on teenager behavior. The biggest value in this research on the content influence of Ericko Lim's YouTube channel on teenager behavior is that the highest value in the variable indicator (Y) is the greatest value of all existing dimensions in the push indicator is Ericko Lim different from other creator content with a value of 309 can be seen in the table 4.10.