Pengaruh Video Tutorial Teknik Fotografi Manuel Budijono Di Youtube Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Fotografi Pelajar
(Survei Pada Siswa-Siswi Smk Bina Informatika Jurusan Multimedia Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan)
YouTube, Ecology Media, Knowledge Level, PhotographyAbstract
Current technology has experienced very rapid progress. One that is influenced by current technological development is digital media, one of them is through video, we can communicate, exchange information, even learn. There are vide facilities on social networks on the internet, such a YouTube we will see that it keeps repeating like our attachment to technology. This study choose a photography technique tutorial on YouTube because there lessons are basic for vocational high school students who just want to choose a multimedia major, students indirectly understand the initial stages on the camera before continuing the next stage of learning. The research aims to find out how much influence the video tutorial on photography techniques of Manuel Budijono on YouTube to the level of photography knowledge of students of Bina Informatika vocational high school majoring in multimedia. This research uses a Quantitative approach with an associative explanatory type survey method and uses Media Ecology Theory. Variable X uses the element concept video success in YouTube according to source of Jefferly Helianthusonfri (2017), and Variable Y uses the concept of knowledge level according to source of Notoatmojo (2012). Data collection was obtained through distributing questionnairs to the subject of research namely student of Bina Informatika Vocational High School Majoring in Multimedia with a total sa,ple 120 respondents. The result of this study based on correlation test of 0,719, showing a strong relationship between X Variable and Y Variable because it is between the correlation number 0,60 – 0,799. Beside this the value of R Square or the coefficient of determination is 0,516 which when presented become 51,6%. It can be concluded that the variable influences the video tutorial of Manuel Budijono Photography techniques on YouTube to the level of photography knowledge of students of Bina Informatika vocational high school majoring in multimedia by 51,6% and the remaining 48,4% is another variable not examined in this study. After doing research, it can be proven that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, it can be seen from the Sig. (2-tailed) 0,000 < 0,05, it means that there is and influence on the video tutorial of photography techniques of Manuel Budijono on YouTube to the level of photography knowledge of students of Bina Informtika vocational high school majoring in multimedia.