Pengaruh Tayangan Film Kartun Shiva Di Antv Terhadap Perilaku Menolong Anak (Studi Eksplanatif Pada Siswa Dan Siswi Sdn Kemanggisan 03 Pagi Jakarta Barat)


  • Devira Larasati
  • Mira Herlina


Influence, Impressions, Help


The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is an influence between Shiva Cartoon Film Shows on ANTV on Children's Help Behavior. This research uses SOR theory (Stimulus, Organism, Response). This study uses a positivism paradigm, quantitative approach, and uses an explanatory survey method in obtaining data. The technique of obtaining data is done by distributing questionnaires to the students of SDN Kemanggisan 03 Pagi West Jakarta through a questionnaire sheet. Can be seen from the correlation value of 0,597. The correlation is at a very . In the coefficient of determination test (r2) it can be concluded that the effect oh Shiva Cartoon ANTV Film Shows on Helping Behavior )f Children is 35,6% while the remaining 64,4% is influenced by other factors beyond Shiva Cartoon Film Shows. After doing research, it can be proven that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. Can be seen from the significant value of 0,000 <0.05 which means that there is a very strong influence between the influence of Shiva Cartoon Film Shows on ANTV (Variable X) on helping behavior of children (Variable Y)






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