Pembingkaian Berita Mengenai Desakan Penerbitan Perppu Kpk Ke Presiden (Analisis Framing Robert N. Entman Di Media Online Sindonews.Com Periode 12 Oktober 2019)


  • Novian Syahnur Rahim
  • Ni Gusti Ayu Ketut Kurniasari


Framing Analysis , Online Media , Perppu Kpk , President, Robert N .Entman


Online media have the ability to construct and frame an issue into the news according to their respective views. This is because the news in online media is influenced by various interests, such as the interests of media owners. This research discusses the construction carried out by online media on the pressure of publishing KPK Perppu to the president conducted by students, anti-corruption activist organizations and students who are demonstrating to publish KPK Perppu. This study aims to find out how frames the news about the pressure to publish the KPK Perppu to the president on October 12, 2019. The theory used is social construction theory using Robert N. Entman's framing analysis model, namely the definition of the problem, estimating the problem or the source of the problem, making moral decisions and emphasizing resolution. The method used is a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using secondary data using research literature. The results of this study explain that framing made by online media, namely: Define Problem: made is a political problem. Diagnose Causus: frames in this case the source of the problem is the public/groups that profite the name of the people. Make Moral Judgment in this case makes moral decisions with the intention that President Joko Widodo does not need to be trapped and must be sure, must also take the right position of the new KPK Law due to the KPK Perppu's pressure which results in Indonesia's democracy becoming bad. And to emphasize the Treatment Recommendation, namely the Perppu is the president's preogrative right, but places more emphasis on complying with the decision on the results of the revision of the new KPK Law and the president to immediately make a decision to ratify the results of the KPK Law without hesitation






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