Kekuatan Statement Narasumber Pada Dokumenter “Freedom For Dogs” Sebagai Gerakan Perlindungan Hewan
Dogs are a social animals just like humans. The close pattern of dog and human behavior makes dogs can be trained, invited to play, live with humans, and be invited to socialize with humans and other dogs. Dogs have a unique position in the relationship between species, however the positive side of dogs have a good impact on humans, but many humans themselves did not protect animals specifically dogs, not the same as a dogs treats in humans. This film tells about the portrait of the animal activist movement which is one of the goals to show the actual depiction of cruelty by humans in pets. The method used on making this film through some stages which are determining themes, research, determining the story, making the production schedule and determining the sources. Because the role of resources person in this film is very influential, the filmmaker is using the power of statements in giving strong information from this film. The strength of the statement on the Documentary Freedom for Dogs as an animal protection movement is a 3-story structure by prioritizing issues related to animal protection, related to the legal and health issues. Then the filmmaker is try to giving the information to public and government as well to stop dog meat traders. Because of dog meat involves violence to animals.