Pesan Moral Dalam Film The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
( Analisis Semiotika Charles Sanders Pierce )
the moral values , walter mitty , filmAbstract
The main issues of this research is how a moral message in a film “a moral message in a film the secret life of walter mitty” represent a moral message in the movie. The purpose of this research is to know of the existence of a moral message in a life of walter mitty knew it .This research is research motode descriptive , with the paradigm constructivism. A subject in this research is a film “ movie the secret life of walter mitty “ , and the object of his research is a moral message in the life of the walter .The validity of the data used researchers is triangulation data sumber. With a focus on who presented the associated research of a moral message on film “ movie the secret life of walter mitty “ .Data collection is obtained through observation with research directly to see movies “ movie the secret life of walter mitty “ berulang-ulang in .Based on the data analysis charles peirce sanders , the triangular meaning ( triangle ) meaning .Sign (Sign), object (object) , and interpretant ( interpretan ). This is the research conclusion , in the film the researchers found five scene to represent the existence of a moral message in the life of walter , namely dare try something new , responsible , hard work , patient and sincerely , soul unyielding .The five scene containing values a moral message in the life of walter that can be in an example by a see the movie.