Pengaruh Tayangan Sinetron Jodoh Wasiat Bapak Di Antv Terhadap Perilaku Positif Siswa-Siswi Di Sekolah Sma Di Wilayah Pondok Aren
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This research about influence of soap opera shows “Jodoh Wasiat Bapak” on ANTV programs to positive behavior of students senior high school at Pondok Aren intented to find out how much influence of soap opera shows “Jodoh Wasiat Bapak” on ANTV programs to positive behavior of students senior high school at Pondok Aren. This research uses S-R (Stimulus Response) theory, with positivism paradigm, quantitative approach and using associative explanation on data gathering. Primary data gathering technique obtained through questionnaires on 100 samples from 3.468 total respondents of students senior high school at Pondok Aren. From SPSS 22 data result, correlation test calculated to positive 0,772 from 0,60. The highest score fot variable Y statements is 336 which is included in the motivation indicator, it means this soap opera gives high motivation for students tobehave positively. R square implies the soap opera shows “Jodoh Wasiat Bapak” on ANTV programs (Variable X) to positive behavior of students in senior high school at Pondok Aren (Variable Y) up to 59,6% and the rest is 40,4% affected by another factor. This research has significant result which is 0,000 with significant level 0,000 < 0,005 implies Ha accepted and Ho denied, which means there is correlation between shows of soap opera “Jodoh Wasiat Bapak” on ANTV programs to positive behavior of students senior high school at Pondok Aren.