Pendekatan Expository “Ber-Tandang” Sebagai Potret Sudut Pandang Suporter Sepakbola Hadirnya Pemain Ke Dua Belas ( 12 )


  • Muhammad Haffif
  • Wenny Maya Arlena
  • Muhammad Haffif


Supporters, Visiting, Documentary Portrait


The capital city of Jakarta has a fanatical supporter named The Jakmania who is very militant owned by the souls of supporters to defend their pride team. The Jakmania fans were never absent to support the Persija when they competed, the match outside the city did not rule out the presence of supporters to come guard and watch the match, awaydays for fanatical supporters who were willing to sacrifice time, energy, and loyalty given to travel to watch the Persija team compete. This film tells about the portrait of The Jakmania supporters who became one form of fanatical supporters in Indonesia. The method used in making this film through the stages of determining the theme, research, determining the story, making the production schedule and determining the work tools at the preproduction stage, taking pictures at the production stage, as well as editing the production at the post-production stage. Expository approach "on the go" as a portrait of the fanaticism of supporters of football the presence of the twelfth player (12) is a 3-round structure by promoting cinematographic techniques. The application of the technique was chosen to make the audience entertained, impressed, and seemed easy to understand and understand from each image.






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