Peran Sekretaris Umum Sebagai Public Relations The Jak Mania Dalam Membangun Citra Positif Organisasi


  • Hafiz Fadhillah
  • Doddy Wihardi


Role, General Secretary, Public Relations, The Jak Mania


The research aims to determine the role of the general secretary as the Public relations of The Jak Mania in Building an Organizational Positive Image. The formulation of the problem of this research is how the role of the General Secretary of The Jak Mania as the organization's Public relations and How is the role of the General Secretary in building the image of the organization. This research approach is qualitative and the method used is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects are key informants and informants. The object of his research is the role of the general secretary as Public relations of The Jak Mania in building a positive image of the organization. Data collection was obtained through in-depth interviews from key informants and informants. Data obtained through library research and documentation from various media, both print and online. The results of the study found that the role of the General Secretary as Public relations of The Jak Mania which focuses on the Division of Public relations has succeeded in Building the Organizational Image through the concept of Public Situational and the concept of the Model of Image Formation. The results showed that the public situational theory with the concept of two way symmetrical communication made by the general secretary is the general secretary as a communicator opening reciprocal two-way communication, so that a positive exchange of information occurs with members of the community where the delivery is done through social media. Mania. Then in image theory, the model of image formation through stimulus, perception, cognition, motivation, attitudes, actions, responses and behavior, that the image that was built by the general secretary of The Jak Mania is currently derived from the community's assessment of the Jak Mania. Many people today think that The Jak Mania has changed, because it is supported by the human resources in its management which have also changed for the better.






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