Kekuatan Statement Narasumber Pada Dokumenetr Potret Dibalik Letusan Sang Kelud

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Elisabeth Dinda Permatasari Rocky Prasetyo Jati


The creation of the documentary film titled "Behind the Eruption of the Kelud" is intended to provide information about the community around Mount Kelud approached by the village of Sugihwaras with its confidence in the curse in the war film held there. In fact, up to now, according to the records of the existing Kelud volcano eruption, those approved such as Kediri, Blitar and Tulungagung are still the same as those discussed in the area, not changing the topography so that the curse on the Lembu Suro beach has not been proven true. Kelud eruption is not strong enough to change the topography of the meeting area. The creator uses a portrait documentary using narration and statement of strength so that the selection of speakers conducted by the creator as in the theory of A-B-C will present speakers with quality that can be trusted and accounted for.

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