Nilai – Nilai Humanisme Dalam Film Green Book

(Analisis Semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce)


  • Elga Hernanda
  • Shinta Kristanty


Film, Humanism, Value, Semiotic


Film as a medium of mass communication is appreciated by individuals based on the ability to think that may be influenced by factors of experience and knowledge possesed. Film not only provides entertainment but also provides educational value through the meaning of the message conveyed in it. Green Book is a film that tells about racism in 1960 where Jim Crow's legal system is still in effect is a regulation about race between blacks and whites but in the film Green Book discusses humanism about black and white relationships that can help each other side by side in racial differences in South America. Humanism is a different way of thinking that focuses itself on problems and issues related to humans, in this case humanism puts forward the human side of behavior. This makes researchers interested in analyzing the form of humanism values from this film. This study aims to determine the meaning of the values of humanism in the film Green Book. The theory used in this research is Charles Sanders Peirce's theory. The concepts that complement the research are film, the meaning and values of humanism. The paradigm used in research is constructivism, with a qualitative research approach. Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic research method. The results of this study reveal the meaning of the values of humanism contained in the film Green Book, including human, willing to sacrifice, egalitarian, cultured, helpful, and subtle. The results of this study reveal the meaning of the values of humanism contained in the Green Book film, among others, humane, subtle, willing to sacrifice, and help. The conclusion in this study include film is a mass media in which there are many signs that can also produce meaning.






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