Representasi Perempuan Pada Film Dilan 1991
(Mode Semiotika Roland Barthes)
Movie, Representation, Female, SemioticAbstract
The purpose of this research is to know the representation of social critism in Dilan 1991 movie. The theory used in this research is the theory of semiotics Roland Barthes. Concepts related to this research include mass communication, film, representation and female. The paradigm of this research is critical, the approach of this study is qualitative with the research method semiotics of Roland Barthes. The unit of analysis in this study was the 1991 film Dilan by observing images and dialogs which included elements of female representation. The results obtained are the Dilan 1991 movie representing female, shown through scenes in the Dilan 1991 movie. This representation of female is found starting from the female who always looks wea, then she has always been a victim of abuse, as well as the female also not in spite of the nature of the conceited.