Pemanfaatan Akun Instagram @Jktfoodbang Sebagai Media Penyampaian Pesan Tentang Kuliner Di Jakarta


  • Angga Rickyawan
  • Doddy Wihardi


Social Media, Instagram, Messages, and Culinary


Instagram social media as a media for delivering messages about culinary in Jakarta using the Instagram account @jktfoodbang. The initial purpose of making an Instagram account @jktfoodbang was to share information about culinary in the Jakarta area through social media Instagram in a short and detailed way to make it easier to find out about culinary in the Jakarta area which is diverse, unique and certainly delicious. Research Objectives to find out how to use the Instagram account @jktfoodbang using social media as a culinary reference in Jakarta . The theory of this research is that researchers use media ecology theory, which has three theoretical assumptions, namely that the media influences every action or action in society, the media improves our perception and manages our experience, and the media binds the world together. This research approach uses a qualitative approach. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive method. The technique of data collection is done by interviews, and observations. Research Subjects are Followers from the Isntagram @jktfoodbang account. The research object is the Instagram account @jktfoodbang. The results of this research are expected to enrich the repertoire of communication science research relating to the use of the Instagram account @jktfoodbang as a messenger for culinary in Jakarta. And it is expected to be able to provide insight and be an input or reference for users related to social media Instagram on culinary in Jakarta through the @jktfoodbang account. Conclusion Followers of the Instagram account @jktfoodbang said that Instagram social media provides interesting culinary references before going to Jakarta. As is known, the Instagram account @jktfoodbang provides culinary references only in the Jakarta area.






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