Proses Gatekeeping pada Pemberitaan Berita Kota di Website
online media, gatekeeping process, tangerangkota.go.idAbstract
Proses Gatekeeping Pada Pemberitaan Berita Kota Di Website Tangerangkota.Go.Id
This study aims to find out how the gatekeeping process in Berita Kota on the website The research question asked is how is the gatekeeping process in Berita Kota on the website? The approach used in this research is qualitative with qualitative descriptive methods. This study uses the gatekeeping theory from Kurt Lewin. This study uses a constructivist paradigm. In the theory of gatekeeping from Kurt Lewin there are 5 processes, namely the process of gathering news sources, news, news that is not selected, news selected, and the audience. The results of his research are the editorial team in collaboration with several contributors, each day the contributor makes a deposit to the editor via email. Within a day the editors received 5 to 15 news. After that, the editor in chief or deputy editor in chief will choose which news has actuality value, clear source, higher level of importance for the community, especially the people of Tangerang City, and actuality. News that does not have a news value that matches the City of Tangerang will not be selected. News that has actuality values, clear sources and a higher level of importance for the community will be the first to enter the editing process. After the news has been edited, it will be determined at what time the news is uploaded. The editor in chief and deputy editor in chief have full control in determining the title of the news and what issues will be played. Every news has at least 1 photo as a supporter of the news. Photos that depict the news as a whole will be placed on the first page of the news.