Instagram @kemensetneg.ri Sebagai Media Informasi Dalam Kegiatan Kepresidenan
The Republic of Indonesia's Secretariat Ministry has a social media used as medium of communication for Presidential activities to share information or transparency in every presidential activities. Refers to Law No. 14 of 2008. Deputy of public that does Good Governance through information disclosure. This research is used the Computer Mediated Communication theory and a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Key Informants obtained as much as 1 (one) Head of the Information Dissemination Section and other informants amounted to 2 (two) Heads of Information Management and Sub-Division of Website and Social Media Management. The techniques used to collect the data in this study are in-depth interviews and related documentation. The results of this study are Instagram social media used as a communication media for presidential activities aimed at getting the public to get information about the activities carried out by the president of the Instagram user community in particular and the entire Indonesian community in general. The content that has been informed to the public has been selected by the field of information dissemination obtained from various sources but there is no editorial channel carried out by the Ministry of State Public Relations. Routine evaluations are carried out but are still informal in the absence of a formal evaluation as a whole. In addition, the evaluation is only limited to the discussion of content, there is no discussion or evaluation about the Instagram account security of the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia.