Sidang Perdana Kasus Hoax Ratna Serumpaet Dalam Bingkai Detik.Com

(Analisis Framing Robert M. Entman Pada Media Online Edisi 28 Februari 2019)


  • Diah Juliani
  • Indah Suryawati


Frame, Online Media, Framing


This study aims to find out about "Framing Robert M. Entman, Edisy 28 February 2019 within the frame of the online media news of the inaugural trial of the Ratna Sarumpaet hoax case. The object of this research is news about the inaugural trial of Ratna Sarumpaet hoax case. This study uses the Constructivism paradigm with a qualitative approach. The research method used in this study is framing analysis using Robert M. Entman's framing analysis model which has four elements, Define Problems, Diagnosis Cause, Make Moral Judgment, Treatment Recommendation. Collecting data obtained through observation, news text and literature study. In the research results show that the news of Ratna Sarumpaet's first hoax case as news that entered the legal issues by placing Ratna Sarumpaet as the cause of the problem, Ratna Sarumpaet was charged with spreading lies or hoaxes of persecution, Ratna Sarumpaet was called deliberately making noise through stories and photographs. a bruised, swollen face claimed as a result of maltreatment, making moral choices based on the news of the inauguration trial of the Ratna Sarumpaet hoax case. The chairman of the panel of judges emphasized that the court was not related to politics in hearing the case.






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