Pembingkaian Berita Polemik Penolakan Penandatanganan Berita Acara Hasil Rekapitulasi Pilpres 2019

(Analisis Framing Robert N. Entman Pada Media Online Edisi 21 Mei 2019)


  • Bagus Tri Anggoro W
  • Ahmad Pramegia


Online Media, News, 2019 Presidential Election


Media in the era of globalization and technological advances now have an important role in the success of the news presented. As a channel for delivering online media messages in particular is starting to become a necessity for the people who are used to access information and entertainment. From this, various online media companies saw considerable opportunities to utilize online news portals to support the distribution of news. The condition of the debate after the determination of the 2019 Presidential Election recapitulation results in online media reporting this news as the main topic. One of them is media. Using Robert's Framing Analysis approach. M Entman Identification of Polemic News Rejection of the Signing of Minutes of the 2019 Presidential Election Recapitulation is classified by analyzing the frame of an event that is reported, namely the news about the 2019 Presidential Election in online media, through discussion of Define Problems. refuse to sign the minutes of the 2019 election recapitulation results, Diagnose Cause (source of the problem) Alleged fraud, make the witness team 02 reluctant to accept the results and sign the 2019 election ballot recapitulation file, Make Moral Judgment KPU responds to the actions of the BPN TEAM That, that does not affect the results of the recapitulation that has been completed, the Treatment Recommendation (KPU) as the organizer remains firmly resolved by continuing to determine the recapitulation results even though there are witnesses who do not wish to sign the minutes seal recapitulation. The tendency of news seems to be quite balanced in producing a news related to the refusal of signing the minutes of the 2019 presidential recapitulation results. The reason for the four news that researchers examined regarding Polemic was the refusal of signing the minutes of the recapitulation results.






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