Proses Komunikasi Siber Dalam Menyampaikan Informasi Otomotif Di Youtube Channel Otodriver
Youtube, Otodriver, Cyber Communication, Automotive InformationAbstract
The research aims to know Youtube as the process of cybercommunication in the delivering automotive information on the Otodriver Youtube channel. See, the real problem with this study is how the process of cyber communication in the relay of automotive information in the Otodriver Youtube channel.The Experimental Method used in this study is a Qualitative Descriptive method. Data collection is acquired by interviews and observations of editor leaders from Otodriver Youtube channel as well as by advocates of active subscriber on the Otodriver Youtube channel. The theory used in this study is the theory of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC). A study used in this study, Cyberspace, which is called a network or a link between Otodriver and its subscribers, is social media it self, Youtube. A Cybersociety, or multimedia society, is a relationship between this Otodriver channel and its subscriber and a different subscriber to the other subscriber. Cyberculture on this study is a culture that is formed between subscriber and the Otodriver channel is a common link between subscriber and the Otodriver. In this study because researchers want to see how online Youtube channel Otodriver is used as a information medium for subscriber or subscriber that wants to research a car for subscriber to use before buying it.