Makna Persahabatan Dalam Film 5 CM
(Analisis Semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce)
Meaning, Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotics, friendship.Abstract
This study aims to explore the meaning of friendship represented in the film "5 cm", which lasts 120 minutes. This research uses a qualitative approach. Charles Sanders Peirce categorizes the triangle theory of meaning which consists of three main elements namely, signs, objects, and interpretants. The research methodology used is Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotics. The data obtained in this study are sourced from uploaded videos, combined with books that discuss film and the meaning of friendship. This study analyzes 8 scenes in the film "5 cm", which illustrate the meaning of friendship in the form of togetherness, cooperation, reciprocity, caring, voluntary and friendship must be maintained. The 8 scenes contain values of the meaning of friendship, so that the audience can be emulated so that they know the meaning and instill a deep sense of friendship in a relationship.