Strategi Kreatif Eksekutif Produser Dalam Meningkatkan Rating And Share Pada Program Selamat Pagi Indonesia Di Metro Tv
: Strategy, Creative, Executive Producer, Ratting and Share, Television ProgramAbstract
This study aims to find out how Executive Produser creative strategy in increasing rating and share in the Indonesian Good Morning Program on Metro TV, where an Executive Producer plays an active role in producing news programs and then re-develops the news that is trending topic or what is happening at the moment, the characteristic of Indonesian Good Morning Program is that every day invites speakers, the success of a program does not escape the role of an executive producer who is responsible for understanding what kind of program is needed by the audience, especially in running superior programs which is the identity of said television. This study aims to find out the Executive Producer creative strategies in increasing ratting and share on Indonesia's Good Morning program on Metro TV. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative and the technique of collecting data using observation and interview techniques with the object of the research is the Executive Producer creative strategy in increasing rating and share on Indonesia good morning program on Metro TV. The theory in this study uses the theory of 13 Elements Naratama which explains various elements including target audience, language of the script, program format, punching line, gimmick and funfare, clip hanger, tune and bumper, artistic, music and fashion arrangement, rhythm and program time , logo and music track for Tune ID, general rehearsal (GR), interactive program. The question posed in this study is how the Executive Producer's creative strategy in increasing ratting and share on Indonesia's good morning program on Metro TV. Data collection was obtained from direct interviews with executive producers as key informants and producers, wardrobe, makeup, editors, and audioman as informants. The results of this study note that the Executive Producer's creative strategy in increasing rating and share is by evaluated every day after completing the program, Executive Producers and Producers always evaluate to find out what the audience likes. In conclusion, the Executive Producer of the Indonesian Good Morning Program has performed the 13 elements of Naratama as a producer executive creative strategy in increasing rating and share on the Indonesian Good Morning program on Metro TV.
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