Manajemen Produser Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Isi Program Dan Eksistensi Program Liputan 6 Pagi Di Surya Citra Televisi


  • Muhammad Syahrizal
  • Rini Lestari


Management, producer, programming, Existence, Liputan 6 Pagi


This study discusses about the producer management of Liputan 6 Pagi program in improving the quality of program content and program existence. News Program is one of the mass communication media that is effective and efficient in delivering accurate and reliable information. The quality of program content certainly plays an important role in the level of existence of a television program, and the management strategy of a producer is responsible for the quality and existence of the program, because the producer is the leader of the team. Therefore, the researcher wants to examine the producer of Liputan 6 Pagi program as the subject of the study. This study aims to determine how the management of a producer in improving the quality of program content and the existence of program. In this study, the researcher uses a qualitative approach. The research paradigm used is Constructivist. The method used in this study is Case Study. This study uses data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. The subject of this study is Producer Liputan 6 Pagi and the object of this study is the Liputan 6 Pagi program. The theory used in this research is the theory of Broadcast Management from Peter K. Pringle. The results obtained from this study are producer management at the production stage, starting from the stages of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Every stage of production, the producer applies different management strategies. That  is all done by the producer of Liputan 6 Pagi program in order to improve the quality of the program and maintain its existence.






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