Peran Media Sosial Instagram Sebagai Sarana Komunikasi Politik

(Studi Deskriptif Anggota DPR RI Pada Akun @Sartonohutomo)


  • Nizal Muhammad
  • Amin Aminudin


Social Media, Instagram, political communication


New media especially social media Instagram is a communication tool. Instagram social media can be used as a medium of political communication. One of them was a politician from the Republic of Indonesia DPR member Sartono Hutomo who made Instagram as a means of political communication. In relation to this research, the researcher wants to analyze about the role of Instagram social media as a means of political communication of members of the Indonesian Parliament on the Instagram account @Sartonohutomo. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the role of Instagram social media as a suggestion of political communication. The research method in this study is qualitative with a post-positivism paradigm. The subjects of this study were DPR RI member Sartono Hutomo and his social media team. The object of research is Instagram. The theory used in this study uses the theory of Uses and Gratification. The results of research look for cognitive needs needs that are closely related to the need to strengthen adding information, knowledge and understanding of one's environment, the affective needs of needs associated with pleasant things and emotional experiences, the need for personal integration of these needs is associated with strengthening creativity, trust, stability, and individual status, the need for social integration is associated with strengthening relationships of family, friends and other people in the world. These needs are based on a person's desire to join or group with others, and the need for entertainment needs is associated with the need to escape, let go, rest and desire to seek entertainment or diversion.






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