Foto Berita Pasca Gempa-Tsunami Di Palu Dan Donggala Sulawesi Tengah
(Analisis Semiotika Ferdinand De Saussure Pada Media Online Edisi Kamis, 27 Desember 2018)
News Photos,, SemioticsAbstract
News photos post earthquake and tsunami in Palu and Donggala provide complete information on the news entitled Afternoon in Palu and Donggala: Earthquake, Tsunami and Liquefaction, which was published by online media on Thursday, December 27, 2018. Researchers are interested in studying and analyzing these photos because according to researchers they contain messages that photographer wants to convey to the audience about how much impact the earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction that occurred in Palu City and Donggala Central Sulawesi. The purpose of this research is to find out the meaning of the sign behind the news photos entitled Afternoon in Palu and Donggala: Earthquake, Tsunami, and Liquefaction. The method of this study is qualitative with Ferdinand de Saussure's semiotic analysis, which is about Signifiers and signifieds contained in news photos titled Afternoons in Palu and Donggala: Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Liquefactions. Unit analysis of this study are three news photos of the post-earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction situation in Palu and Donggala, Central Sulawesi. The results showed that the photographer wanted to describe how much the impact of the earthquake, tsunami, and liquefaction that hit Palu City and Donggala Central Sulawesi. The disaster destroyed most of the residential houses in Palu and Donggala. Land that experienced a shift or liquefaction in Balaroa, Palu, made the houses of citizens collapsed and land buried. Palu's Sis Al Jufri Airport was destroyed in most of its buildings, resulting in disruption to aircraft transportation access to and from Palu City, Central Sulawesi. Photographer also wanted to show the greatness of God Almighty by choosing a photo object of the mosque building in the waters of Palu Talise Beach which is still intact in its building structure even though it is located right in the Talise Coast waters of Palu.