Ujaran Idiot Ahmad Dhani Dalam Bingkai Media Online
(Framing Robert N. Entman pada Berita Merdeka.com dan Liputan6.com Periode 18-26 Oktober 2018)
Frame, Online Media, NewsAbstract
The research aims to find out about “How online media on news Merdeka.com & Liputan6.com in framing the news of the idiot Ahmad Dhani News Issue Period 18-26 October 2018. The object of this research is news about the problem of idiots speech Ahmad Dhani. This research uses a constructivicist paradigm with a qualitative approach. The research method used in this research is a framing analysis that uses the analysis model of the framing Robert N. Entman which two aspect and uses fours framing elemens. Collection of data obtained throught observation, news text and library studies. The result of the study show that the two online media merdeka.com and liputan6.com look the same in placing legal issues but in the independent online media merdeka.com empharizes that the main problem is that Ahmad Dhani was declared an idiot statement and the online media liputan6.com emphasized that the east java regional police set Ahmad Dhani as a defamatory.