Representasi Pelanggaran Elemen Jurnalistik Bill Kovach Dalam Film Nightcrawler (Analisis Semiotika John Fiske)


  • Destryana Dimas Saputri
  • Indah Suryawati


Representation, Journalistic Element Violation, Semiotic, Film.


This research will analyze depiction of journalist figure and news director figure in Nightcrawler film about the variety of activities in media field. Also this research will be equalized with journalistic elemen stated by Bill Kovach. Concludes of this research is to knowing the violation representation of Bill Kovach journalistic elemen in Nightcrawler film. This research use qualitative approach method with critical paradigm supported by John Fiske's Television Codes semiotics analysis method. John Fiske stated three level in television codes that is reality level (behavior, environment, appearance, speech, etc), representation level (camera, lighting, dialogue, editing, etc) and ideology level (capitalism, materialism, race, patriarchy, liberalism, etc). Analysis unit which choosen is scenes that present the violation journalistic elemen. therefore, results of this research is to show the codes which reveal the violation of Bill Kovach journalistic elemen like element of truth, verification discipline, and society loyality through  sequence set which looked from reality level (behavior, speech), representation level (camera, character, dialog), and ideology level which reveal liberalism ideology, drawn at Lou Bloom's character and Nina's character.






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