Strategi Pimpinan Pada Bidang Diseminasi Informasi Komunikasi Publik Kominfo Kota Tangerang Dalam Mengelola Konten Berita Di Instagram Tangerang Tv


  • Desriko Harvian
  • Indah Suryawati


strategy, editor, news content on Instagram


This study aims to determine how the strategy of the editor of Tangerang TV in the management of information content. The research question that is asked is: how is Tangerang TV's strategy editor-in-chief to manage news content on Instagram? What is the news content posted on Tangerang TV Instagram? The method of this research is descriptive qualitative and analyzes life by describing the social world from the point of view. The research topic is the leadership strategy in the field of information dissemination in the management of information content on Instagram. The data collection was obtained by observation, in-depth interviews were conducted with leaders and writers who became informants. While the sources obtained directly from the research site through the primary and secondary sources are support data whose existence is only used to strengthen the data and documents obtained by the research in the libraries and the documentation drawn online media content news @ InstagramTV, search results show editorial strategy In the initial planning process, Tangerang TV organized editorial meetings with all editorial members, starting with the editor, the reporter, the writer and editor-in-chief of this meeting to debate the theme theme and news about angels, which will then be presented to Tangerang TV Instagram, in this process the leader also leads a strategy to determine the interesting and useful content for the community. The editorial leaders have several ways that are given directly to journalists, writers and other members of the editorial staff. egi start looking for news within the government and residents of Tangerang City using the resources identified at the drafting meeting, pending coverage. Once coverage is complete, the reporter will send the coverage results to the script writer, who will be edited again so that the news is worthy of publication by the community. The strategy used by Tangerang TV is to prioritize the content of the displayed content with information easily accepted by readers







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