Pembingkaian Berita Mantan Narapidana Korupsi Menjadi Calon Legislatif Pada Pemilihan Umum 2019
Robert N. Entman, Framing, Online MediaAbstract
This study aims to find out how the news framing of former corruption inmates is a legislative candidate in the 2019 general election using Robert N. Entman's framing analysis on the media and editions September 14-16, 2018. Researchers use the Constructivist paradigm with the research method is qualitative Robert N. Entman framing. The object of this study is news about former corruption convicts becoming candidates for the Legislature in the 2019 general election on the media and Robert N. Entman's method has two major dimensions, namely, the prominence of aspects and selection of issues and four important elements, namely, Define Problems, Diagnosis Causes, Make Moral Judgment, Treatment Recommendation. Theoretical Suggestions For researchers should first understand the theory that is often used in framing and the types of framing according to experts because it can help the research be better understood by the researcher. Practical Suggestions The community must be more selective in evaluating news published by online media, because every online media must have their own interests so that the media reports that the events vary from one another.