Pembingkaian Berita Ratna Sarumpaet Menyebarkan Hoaks
(Analisis Framing Robert N.Entman pada 3 - 5 Oktober 2018)
Framing, Framing, Media Online, Ratna Sarumpaet Spreading HoaxAbstract
Online media is a new mass media that has several advantages such as up-to-date delivery faster than old media such as television and newspapers. Each message constructed by the media passes through a framing process or framing that is influenced by various interests in it. Framing is used by the media to highlight or emphasize certain aspects in order to have a certain meaning for the audience according to the interests of the media. This study aims to find out how framing the news about Ratna Sarumpaet Spreading Hoax News In Online Media in delivering an event, This study uses the constructivism paradigm with a qualitative approach, Framing Analysis carried out using the Robert N. Entman model. The results showed that Framing conducted by Tribunnews.Com on the news of Ratna Sarumpaet Spreading Hoaxter's News, seeing that did not side with Ratna Sarumpaet, pressuring RatnaSarumpaet as the cause of the news, also led the public to finish the case and make lessons to society.