Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Reuni 212 Di Media Online Liputan6.Com Dan Viva.Co.Id Periode 29 November – 1 Desember 2018
(Analisis Framing Model Zhongdang Pan & Gerald M.Kosicki)
Analysis of Framing, News, Reunion 212, Zhongdang Pan & KosickAbstract
This research is to find out how the news framing of Reunion 212 in online media and This study uses the constructivism paradigm with a qualitative approach. The research method used in this study is framing analysis using the Zhongdang Pan & Gerald M.Kosick framing analysis model. Data collection uses textual data obtained from the online media coverage of and regarding the reporting of Reunion 212. The results showed that the framing carried out by and was related to Reunion 212 coverage, whether the news from the two online media are different or the same in constructing the news. The construction of the news will be analyzed using 4 structures in the Zhongdang Pan & Gerald M.Kosicki framing, namely syntax, script, thematic, and rhetorical. In the news Reunion 212 at gave priority to titles and prominent news leads. Whereas at it does not prioritize titles and prominent news leads, standard titles are used without emphasis. Emphasis by on the quote of the resource person. Researcher's theoretical advice is that research using framing analysis can still be done on various dimensions of discourse in mass media, especially those related to broadcast journalism.