Konstruksi Pemberitaan Kasus Berita “Hoax” Penganiayaan Ratna Sarumpaet

(Analisis Framing Robert N. Entman Pada Media Online Detik.com Periode 3-5 Oktober 2018)


  • Ade Rachmawati
  • Arbi Cristional Lokananta


Hoax, Ratna Sarumpaet, Detik.com, Framing Robert N Entman


Online media are rated as media that have the speed of time in updating information. End of 2018 to be exact in October, news about the persecution of Ratna Sarumpaet began to spread and became the focus of reporting  in the mass media, especially Detik.com online media. Starting from the many responses from people closest to Ratna who shared information about the persecution of Ratna in social media. The purpose of this study was to find out how Detik.com's online media framing was related to reporting hoax news about the funding of Ratna Sarumpaet. This study used a qualitative method approach with the subject of his research online media Detik.com.The data obtained is through the news text presented Detik.com on 3-5 October 2018. The results of this case that Detik.com defines this problem as a legal problem as seen from how Detik.com present resource persons who are legal experts such as Nico Afinta (Dirkrimum Polda Metro Jaya Kombes), Argo Yuwono (Head of Public Relations of the Jakarta Police , Setyo Wasisto (Head of Police Public Relations Inspector General), Jerry Siagian (Head of Sub-Directorate of Jatanras Metro Jaya Regional Police AKBP), and Insank Nasrudin (Lawyer Ratna Sarumpaet). This hoax problem finally spread to online media and Detik.com positioned Ratna as the cause of this hoax problem and the Police Team as a hero. Detik.com provides a moral assessment, that the Police will continue to examine Ratna Sarumpaet even though she has admitted her lies related to the news hoax case of her persecution and Detik.com also recommends resolving  this case establishing Ratna Sarumpetas a suspect due to her actions. A person can be told as a hero or troublemaker, all depends on how the media understands and interpret a reality.







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