Strategi Marketing Public Relations Patbingsoo Flavor Bliss Alam Sutera Tangerang Selatan Dalam Meningkatkan Loyalitas Pelanggan
Strategy, Marketing Public Relations, Customer LoyaltyAbstract
This reaearch discusses about the strategy of Marketing Public Relations in Patbingsoo Flavor Bliss Alam Sutera to increase customer loyalty.This study aimed to determine how to implementation of the strategy Marketing Public Relations Patbingsoo Flavor Bliss Alam Sutera to increase customer loyalty. The method used to analyze the data in this research is by using descriptive research by presenting the informations of data collected from internal of the company, analyze the results of non-participant observation and interviews semi-structural with seeral subjects related to the research problem. The concept applied in this research is the Three Ways Strategy (Push, Pull, Pass Strategy) by Thomas L. Haris. The results showed that the strategy of Marketing Public Relations Patbingsoo Flavor Bliss Alam Sutera to increase customer loyalty use Pull Srtategy that used y Patbingsoo Flavor Bliss Alam Sutera is social media like Facebook and Instagram such as providing information about Patbingsoo. Offer promos or basically published activities surrounding Patbingsoo lavor Bliss, then the last are have something of promos of loyal customer it has become a member, in the category entered in website, publications, product placement and from there categories also obtained levels phases of its loyalty is the repeat customer so that this study has been obtained increase loyalty its using publications and product placement.