Upaya Hubungan Eksternal Paroki Blok B Dalam Menjalin Kerjasama Dengan Orang Muda Katolik (Omk) Dalam Mempertahankan Partisipasi Kaum Muda Mengikuti Kegiatan Pelayanan Gereja


  • Herlina Kusumawati
  • Ni Gusti Ketut Ayu Kurniasari


External Relations, Community Relations, and Persuasion Theory


This research based on the external relations efforts of Blok B Parish in collaborating with Orang Muda Katolik (OMK) to maintain youth participation in church services. The purpose of this research was to determine the steps of the Blok B Parish in establishing external relations with the community and persuading young people. The formulation of the problem from this research is how the efforts of the external relations of the Blok B Parish in collaborating with OMK and how the Blok B Parish endeavors in maintaining youth participation in participating in church service activities. The theory used in this research is Hovland's persuasion theory and the concept of community relations. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative research method with the paradigm of postpositivism research. Data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews with key informants and informants and conducted observations directly into the Blok B Parish, Church of Saint John the Evangelist. The results of the research showed that Blok B Parish had succeeded in maintaining youth participation in participating in church activities through the application of the concept of community relations with OMK and persuasion theory where the Blok B Parish was able to change the attitudes of young people who were not interested in church service to be interested. The conclusion of this research is in maintaining youth participation and collaborating with OMK an approach is needed through persuasion and the need to establish relationships with the community.







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