Pengaruh Tayangan “Pengakuan Sang Penjagal Anjing” Di IGTV Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Followers @Kompastv


  • Mira Herlina
  • Bianca Fianto




The purpose of the study was to determine whether there was an influence between the impressions of the Dog Slaughterer's Recognition on IGTV and the level of knowledge of @KompasTV followers. This study uses the theory of SMCR (Source, Message, Channel, Receiver). This research uses positivist paradigm, quantitative approach, and uses explanative survey method in obtaining data. The technique of obtaining data is done by distributing questionnaires to @KompasTV followers by online through Direct Message and using Google Form. Can be seen from the correlation value of 0.619. The correlation is at a strong level. determination coefficient of 0.383 which if presented to 38%. So it can be concluded that the effect variable of the Dog Slaughterer's Recognition Impression on IGTV on the knowledge level of @ KompasTV followers is 38% and the remaining 62% is another variable not examined. After conducting research, it can be proven that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, it can be seen from the significance value of 0,000 <0,1 which means that there is a strong influence between the effect of the Dog Slaughterer's Recognition on IGTV (Variable X) on the level of knowledge of @KompasTV followers (Y variable)






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