Strategi Public Relations PT. Ruma Dalam Mempromosikan Program Arisan Mapan


  • Tacia Meirisa
  • Rini Lestari


Strategy, Public Relations, Promotion, Arisan Mapan


This Research aims to the Public Relations Strategy of PT. RUMA In Promotion Of Arisan Mapan Program. The focus of study of this research is to see how the Public Relations Strategy of PT. RUMA In Promotion Of Arisan Mapan Program. The researcher used the concept of mixed public relations PENCILS from Thomas L. Harris. The subject of the research is Public Relations PT. RUMA, the subject itself consists of key informants and informants. The object of the research is the Public Relations Strategy of PT. RUMA In Promotion Of Arisan Mapan Program. The paradigm in this study is post positivism. The method used is descriptive qualitative and discusses qualitative. The data collecting was obtained through non-participant observation, in-depth interviews, and obtaining data from literature and qualitative studies. The results of the research shows that the Public Relations Strategy used by PT. RUMA In Promotion Of Arisan Mapan Program which focuses on the Public Relations section has successfully implemented activities in promotion using the mixed PENCILS which are publications, events, news, community involvement, inform / image, lobbying and negotiating, and social responsibility.The conclusion of this research  is to promote the Arisan Mapan program. Public Relations PT. RUMA has made the right strategy to achieve success from is target. Suggestions in this research are expected that the Public Relations mix concept PENCILS can be a reference to provide input a communication sciene expecially those related to Public Relations and for futher research it is expected to develop more objects of research on Public Relations strategies.







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